Dear friends,
It is my proud privilege to welcome you all to the institute that provides quality education in the field of B.Ed/ D.Ed. courses. I know you are joining this institution with great aspirations and high ambition. The aim of our college is to provide you with those facilities which are essential for development of harmonious personality. Our effort is that of a mason to train you with the aim of building you into a technically sound, honest worker, conscious and solid pillar for future. We are committed to uphold the age old traditions and ideals of in the field education and to the cause of student's community to help them mould their future and achieve their aspirations by providing a highly learning and inspiring atmosphere.
With Best Wishes
Shri. Prakash Gajbhiye
Dear friends,
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you in Prajasattak College of Education, a college of numerous opportunities. In this ever changing world everyone should try to grab the opportunity to empower themselves for life. Taking interest and develop academic capacities is essential for the student to meet the challenges of modern and dynamic world efficiently. For proper development of human being a proper combination of body, mind and soul is required. The environment at Prajasattak College of Education is designed to maximize learning through purposeful activity. We seek to develop our children physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually keeping in mind the rich Indian cultural heritage. Closely supervised study in an intellectually and culturally stimulating emphasis on students welfare and close contact between staff and students, teacher and parents ensure that individual attention is paid to every student. Our motto is Shraddha, Gyan and Bhakti. The college is committed to make everyone happy in the college with unflinching faith and untiring efforts.
We at Prajasattak College of Education are glad to be partners with you in the important responsibility of helping your children to develop their full potential.
Welcome again to Prajasattak College of Education.
The vision of our educational institution is to perform significant function of providing learning experience to lead our students from darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge.
The aim of our college is to provide those facilities which are essential for development of hormonious personality. Teacher training program is related to the development of teacher proficiency and competancy that would unable and empower the teacher to meet the requirement of the profession and challenges there in. It includes effective classroom management skills, preparation and use of instructional material and communication skill. Our institution is also equip students teachers with competence to use ICT for their own professional development.